Monday, February 25, 2008

Differences in style b/w my posts and guest blogger's

The most notable style difference was the theme of the guest blogger's post as compared to my previous posts. There were some common misspellings such as, the description of a fellow co-worker as a movie biff instead of buff. Aside from my previous post on Office Romance, my posts tend to be very formal or business minded. So I think the main difference was the style of writing, which was more casual.
The guest blogger's post brings up a good point. Something that never really occurred to me and that is that I don't really have a personal connection with many of my co-workers. Most of whom are twenty years older and have families to take care of. Perhaps that is something I should work on.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

it's all about presentation

I have spent the last eight months creating interest and building relationships with potential customers. I have to come to learn that this is no easy task. It requires patience, persistence, creative thinking and hard work.
All of this hard work will pay off this week when I have the opportunity to present to these potential customers. My presentation will include a slideshow using Keynote, which is a presentation software on the Mac. Keynote also allows you to incorporate movies into your presentation. I have put together a 7 minute video on the company which will break up the monotony of just looking at slides throughout the whole presentation. I want them to be impressed! My presentation will include a brief overview of the company, our capabilities/offerings, and the environmental impact of our processes. The last part of the presentation will be an open discussion where I plan to display some of our samples/products and brainstorm on how we can work together. I wish selling were only as easy as it sounds!
My goal is to create the interest and provide a better understanding of what my company can offer these potential customers. After all, no one cares what you can do unless you can help them do their job better. It is my hope to work with these companies in designing, developing and manufacturing new packaging or upgraded packaging for their products. The end result will be a stronger shelf presence - the ability to stand out - and for the company to charge a premium. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Guest Blog - Office Connection

Recently, I was talking to a co-worker and we were having a challenging discussion about horror movies. My co-worker is apparently a move biff, if I heard him right he has over 3000 movies. He lead off with the Friday the 13th movies and Texas Chainsaw Massacre and how they were, “just really cool horror movies.” I completely agreed with him and most of his other examples, I stated to him that those movies were the core of all horror movies. We went on and on about the older horror movies from the 70s and 80s. Seeing his experience with older movies, I stated throwing in some newer ones. I mentioned, House of a Thousand Corpse and the Saw movies and expressed how those particular movies are the very essence of all horror movies. The co-worker is relatively new to our facility location at work and at first I thought we would probably not have much in common, but I guess I was wrong. Now my co-working and I have a cool movie connection, which is cool for both of us because we both can catch up to all the horror movies we have wanted to see and never got around to it.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

office romance

It's that time of year. The holiday with a spark or the holiday that forces many to drown their sorrows away. A bittersweet holiday, if you will. To be honest, if it weren't for the decorations lining the lobby and the office staff's doors, I would have forgotten the so-called holiday entirely. Am I bitter? I would say no but maybe I am in subconsciously in denial. Depends who's asking! I did enjoy some of those candy hearts with phrases on them with my morning coffee. There have been at least half a dozen deliveries of flowers this morning. Every time we hear an "oooohhhh" or an "ahhhhh", some of my co-workers and myself tally it up to a flower delivery. At the end of the day we will tally up all the silly gifts/cards/flowers etc. and whoever guessed closest wins a six-pack. I bet eleven.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

playing catch-up

I feel I am playing catch-up due to my recent travels overseas.  I was the victim of a stolen laptop while exhibiting at a trade show in Shanghai.  There was plenty of security (pavillion security guards with walkie talkies), but that did not seem to distract the peddlers.  Every half hour I was propositioned to buy a Rolex for the price of a good steak.  Too good to be true!  Our booth was large enough to seat ten people comfortably, but was not too big for four people to manage.  However, during an afternoon coffee run, my laptop somehow disappeared from the coffee table in our booth.  I am fortunate that it was password encrypted so none of the information should be able to be accessed, but I am guessing that they were not after the information.  Whoever took it was just looking to make a quick buck.  So for the duration of my trip, I was without my computer and more importantly I had lost all the information I had gathered on my trip.  It was a company laptop and it was insured so it only took a week before I could get a new one.  This time I will be sure to back everything up on our internal server and portable storage device.  The positive side of the story is getting a new laptop and being able to customize it.  I received a MacBook.  I am still learning the basics but I like the multimedia software which it came with.  It will be a valuable resource for doing presentations and incorporating other forms of media such as mpeg4 or video into a slideshow.