Monday, January 28, 2008

in response

In response to various comments regarding my previous posts, I feel the need to clarify what it is exactly that I do. The company I work for is a packaging manufacturer - a supplier. Mostly known as a tier 2 supplier - meaning we do not deal with the end customer; that being said, my marketing plan would not include targeting the public or your average consumer. Why bother?! It would be a waste of my time and of theirs. So you need not worry about receiving spam email from me!

Aside from marketing, I work in business development. My goal is to pursue new markets. Ultimately, supplying different industries with our product. Most everyone has had some experience at one point in their lives of having to sell something. Whether it be selling yourself to your teacher to try and get a better grade or even selling magazines as a kid to earn money for your school. Surely, you know it is difficult. I am now experiencing the difficulty of being the little guy in hopes of trying to supply corporate giants such as Apple, Procter & Gamble and Absolut. David vs. Goliath!

1 comment:

Cap'n Fatback said...


Okay, glad to have you back. Good links too.

Note that the sentence starting with "whether" is afragment, even though it is long.

Me, I love an underdog. So I'm cheering on David.